Almost every morning I wake-up thinking about writing. Sometimes my thoughts are of ideas that have crept into my muse's cellar during the night. But most often I consider the schedule of my day and when I can write. The ideas will be lost if I don't write so I sift through my daily responsibilities trying to find that precious pearl of time when I can write uninterrupted.
As a stay-at-home mom uninterrupted time is an elusive white whale that teases me. I can see it on the horizon, but just as I approach it it disappears beneath the foamy sea. Every single time.
Some days I consider quitting, but I've become too attached to my kids. My time with them is precious and they will be on to school and lives of their own much sooner than I am ready to accept.
The struggle to find time is real for every writer whether you have children and/or work in the real world. The day never seems long enough. So what can we do? We have to add time to our day, but how?
Yes, life is busy and sometimes things come up that are unavoidable like having to make a pinata for my daughter's birthday. Okay, I didn't have to make her a pinata, but I enjoy arts and crafts time. It helps nurture my creative side. Plus she's going to love it for the ten minutes before one of the hyped-up-on-sugar children puts a hole in it.
I have windows of time every day when I can possibly insert writing time, but making a pinata from scratch, grocery shopping, reading, doing laundry, paying bills, fixing a super hero costume, and every other "important" task devours that time. I'm only human and slightly obsessive compulsive so when I see something has to get done, I can't help but do dishes just as my family is loading the car to go somewhere.
So when do I have time to write? I make it. No, I'm not a magician and do not know the secret of time travel. Writing is my passion and I cannot live without it. I make choices. Yes, I do get distracted, but there's always a choice that can be made that allows time for me to write.
My favorite show is on Netflix. Do I binge watch it for a week every night after my kids go to bed? No. I write (that is, if I can keep my eyes open after my kids finally go to sleep). The neighborhood is gathering up in the backyard. Do I go out and sit by the campfire? No, I write. Most of the time I'm able to join later so I'm not completely anti-social.
There's a reason why many writers are introverts or even hermits. Writing takes time. If you have the constant, nagging voice of your muse begging you for time than you'll have to make choices. Life is busy, but we have choices of how we fill our time. Prioritize your to do list and make sure to include writing every day in order to satisfy your muse. It's difficult, but worth it.
Good luck and keep writing!
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