Tuesday, November 29, 2016

NaNoWriMo2016 By the Seat of My Pants

November has always been my favorite month. I get to celebrate my birthday, wedding anniversary, and Thanksgiving as the weather changes from the colorful fall leaves to the glistening white snow. And beginning last year, I have added frantic writing to November thanks to the amazing challenge of NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month.

This November has been a bit different with all the emotions of the election and the weather hasn't really been cooperating as I look at the brown landscape that surrounds me on November 28th. The overwhelming events of the month could have easily stalled my writing, but instead of quitting I dug deeper and put my emotions into every word. It wasn't without difficulty, but I am so proud to say that I reached my 50,000 word goal and have the very raw beginnings of a young adult science fiction novel. Now the real work begins - research, studying, outlining, editing, cutting, and rewriting.

Yes, I do things a bit backwards. Many writers do all the legwork before putting their fingers on the keyboard, but that method doesn't work for me. I get blocked up and find myself taking a machete to my ideas before I even have the chance to really get to know my characters.

Because of NaNoWriMo I have learned that I belong in the camp of pantsers. Yes, that is a real term. There are plotters (just what is sounds like, those who outline and plot ahead of time) and there are pantsers (those who fly by the seat of their pants.)

I've always been a very planned and meticulous person so when it came to writing I figured it would be the same. But because of NaNoWriMo I've learned that I must put all caution aside and just write with complete abandon. Writing this way allows me to create worlds and characters without my judgmental internal critic reading over my shoulder commenting on everything. Instead of sitting here, frozen by fear, staring at a blank piece of paper, I have the start of a novel.

A couple of weeks into NaNoWriMo2016 I saw a comment on Twitter from someone saying they don't do NaNoWriMo because they don't feel the need to rush a novel. To each his own, but I must say I don't feel I've rushed anything. In fact, I know that I have a very long road ahead before this novel is ready for the world. I hope to have it done by the time NaNoWriMo2017 comes around so I can attack another story with the determination and commitment it takes to start a book.

If you have ever considered writing a novel, I highly recommend NaNoWriMo and you won't have to wait until next November. The fantastic people  at NaNoWriMo put on two virtual camps through Camp NaNoWriMo, one in April and one in July, when you get to pick your word count goal. 

With everything going on in the world and the rate at which things change, I have never been more inspired to write and to keep writing. Time continues to go too fast and life gets busy, but I will continue to create in spite of everything.

I wish you all the best with whatever your goals may be. Dig deep and persevere. 

Good luck and keep writing!