Monday, June 8, 2009

Back to the Pen

I can blame my absence from writing on everything from being busy at work to personal anxieties. I have even deluded myself into thinking that it is just writer's block or the lack of inspiration. Who am I fooling? I've just been plain ol' lazy.

I obsess about wanting to write, but continue to convince myself it's not worth it. I am my own worst enemy. If I want to write then why not? What do I have to lose? The words of a dreamer. Is it wrong to dream? Is it possible to dream in this economic climate or should dreams transcend economic forecasts?

I'm not sure what my next step is, but I know I have to do something. I continue to be haunted by the pen and paper that sit on my desk with a month old journal entry being the last. I either have to do something or let it go...for now.

Who knows what will happen. I suppose that's part of the fun of dreaming.