This entry is quite different from previous posts. I'm setting out on a very important writing project and wish to use this post as a forum. I would appreciate your insight and answers to the thoughts and questions posed. Email me if you prefer not to comment here.
Every day life evolves. We face new challenges, find new strength in ourselves and learn something new. As women we face issues in our daily lives that men, bless their eager-to-understand souls, do not and can not understand.
What issues did you face today that set you apart from our male counterparts? What was your reaction to the situation?
The existence of the glass ceiling tells us that we are still below male standards in the eyes of much of the world. Who is responsible for creating this invisible yet seemingly unbreakable barrier? Isn't it true that we often hold ourselves to the standards of men? Must we reinvent ourselves as women so that we are more like men in order to shatter these standards? Or can we do it by reinventing ourselves to be stronger women?
As I look to the women in my life and those passing by, I find that every one of them, myself included, is searching for something whether it be within themselves or in the world. Events throughout the ages have given us the tools to find what we are looking for in life. The suffrage movement gave us a voice, the feminist movement gave the world ears, yet many women today are soft spoken and I'm not entirely sure the world is still listening. It is within us to shatter the glass ceiling, but not as men would, but as women.
We cannot be afraid to define ourselves by our own individual standards, say enough is enough when the days are too long, or take a risk on ourselves.